Odd McLean Stephens wears many hats. Brother, Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather are some of his most proud titles, but to most, he's simply just "Mack". Born on October 13, 1937 in Fayetteville, Georgia, Mack came into this world weighing 13 pounds and hasn't stopped talking since. He truly has never met a stranger, and will know your entire life story in a matter of minutes.
Mack served in the Air Force, had a fulfilling 35 year career with Delta Airlines, created a beautiful family and still manages to get his hair cut every Friday.
Mack's granddaughter, Kwynn Everest, opened Odd McLean in March 2022 with the hopes of bringing fun, quirky, yet beautiful gifts to Atlanta and beyond. We hope you find something you will love and cherish, or a gift to brighten someone's day. Stay Odd!